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What is the difference between Skin Boost Plus® and Skin & Bone?

What are some tips for taking your collagen supplement?

Here are a few tips on how you can include our collagen supplements in your routine. Here are some simple suggestions:

What is the serving size for the collagen?

Skin Boost Plus® Collagen - one (1) scoop equals two (2) rounded teaspoons.It also contains 5g of Bovine Collagen Peptides from a specific functional peptide called  VERISOL®.For more information on our product, please see the Skin Boost Plus® Collag

Will the collagen break my fast?

Yes. The collagen supplements have calories and protein and will break a fast and likely negate the benefits of the fast. It is recommended to consume the supplements during the eating window to maintain the integrity of the fasting window.

What is the collagen protein consumption recommendation?

It is beneficial to include functional collagen peptides as part of the daily protein intake, not only for their bioactive properties but also for their rich availability of conditionally indispensable amino acids that may become indispensable under

Is the collagen grass-fed or grain-finished?

Our collagen products contains Bovine Derived Collagen that is Grass-Fed and Pasture Raised. They are not grain-finished, per se, as many descriptions go. They may have been fed grain to keep them healthy at certain times depending on situations such

What is the amino acid profile of the collagen?

Please see the following amino acid profile list for our collagen products:

Where are the collagen ingredients sourced from?

Please see the ingredient listing below for our collagen products:. Skin Boost Plus -->  VERISOL®. VERISOL® bovine derived, grass-fed/pasture raised collagen peptide consists of special patented composition of collagen peptides - important components