What is the serving size for the collagen?Updated a month ago
Skin Boost Plus® Collagen - one (1) scoop equals two (2) rounded teaspoons.
It also contains 5g of Bovine Collagen Peptides from a specific functional peptide called VERISOL®.
For more information on our product, please see the Skin Boost Plus® Collagen product page.
Skin and Bone Collagen - two (2) scoops equal four (4) rounded teaspoons.
It also contains 10g of Bovine Collagen Peptides from specific functional peptides called
VERISOL® (5g) and FORTIBONE® (5g).
For more information on our product, please see the Skin & Bone Collagen product page.
*Both products contains Bovine Derived Collagen that is 100% Grass-Fed and Pasture Raised.