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Fiber GDX

How much is one scoop of Fiber GDX?

One (1) scoop of Fiber GDX equals one (1) tablespoon. It also contains 7g of soluble and insoluble fiber. If you are looking to achieve the recommended daily intake of Fiber (25-35g), we highly recommend getting as much as you can through whole food

What are some tips for consuming the Fiber GDX?

We recommend getting as much fiber through whole foods (25-35g) each day, then supplement the gap, as needed. If you are not used to having this much fiber in your diet, consider beginning slow.  When you begin, you can start by using 1/4 scoop and s

Why does my Fiber become thick and gel-like?

This is actually a very important role in fiber!  As soluble fiber dissolves, it creates a gel that can improve digestion in several ways. Fiber GDX includes both soluble and insoluble fiber, each of which provides different benefits. When soluble fi

Where are the Fiber GDX ingredients sourced from?

Please see the following list of ingredients for our Fiber GDX Orange: