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What is the 'Pause Life Meals (Mealogic)?Updated a month ago

What is Mealogic?

The ‘Pause Life Meals uses the Mealogic platform for fulfillment and logistics. With this partnership, we’re able to leverage an expert network of chefs, food safety professionals, and other suppliers to provide top-of-the-line ready-to-eat meals nationwide. 

If you need support with your order, please contact [email protected] for immediate assistance.

What are your quality standards?

All of the animal proteins are raised without antibiotics or hormones and seafood is fished or farmed in ways that don’t harm the ocean environment. We also opted to avoid the top inflammatory foods so you can be sure there is no gluten, dairy, refined sugars or inflammatory oils such as canola or grapeseed in your meals.

Unsatisfactory Experience/Complaints

I’m so sorry to hear you were disappointed with your meals. To resolve this matter, please reply to your Meals Order Confirmation Email with your request. The customer service representatives at our logistics facility, Mealogic, will be happy to help.  They can be reached at [email protected].

More FAQs/Do you have more information?

Sure! Check out the full Mealogic FAQs.

Is this service available in my area?

Delivery is available to most states through our national shipping zones. To find out if we are available in your area, enter your information HERE.  

If your zip code is not yet within our delivery zone, you can sign-up to be notified when we are. We are adding new locations all the time!

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