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Is your supplement packaging recyclable?Updated a month ago

Flexible Pouch (powder products)

While our new flexible pouch packaging is not recyclable, we are supporting the EPA's goal of source reduction to help reduce the amount of overall waste.  

Flexible packaging provides source reduction, which is one of the most preferred methods of waste management according to the U.S EPA Waste Hierarchy. 

We are removing 5 supply chain resources (container, label, inside seal, lid and outside seal) and transitioning to 1 flexible packaging resource, all contributing to the reduction of supply chain, manufacturing, transportation resources and overall waste prevention.  

Rigid Containers

Our softgel products are in PET, recyclable friendly containers.  Please verify with your local recycle resources to confirm how to recycle these containers.  Please remove the label before you do recycle!

Our future goal for these small containers is to transition to a reusable packaging resource.  


The scoop is recyclable.  Please verify with your local recycle resources to confirm how to recycle these.  

Our future goal is to remove the scoop for even more source reduction!

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