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I am having trouble printing one of the PDFs or documents.Updated a month ago

If you are trying to print one of the PDFs from our program, challenge or an informational guide and having trouble printing, please review the following:

- make sure your browser doesn't restrict access to or downloading documents/PDFs 

- verify the print settings on your device

- download the PDF/document on the device first, then try to print

- check for any wifi or connectivity issues to the device and printer

For more information about the 'Pause Strong Challenge, please see the Chat Box where you can find additional challenge information. 

PLEASE NOTE:  we recommend checking in with your healthcare practitioner before beginning/participating in, or updating, any health or wellness routine and if you have any questions or concerns, but more importantly, if you have any existing health conditions.  Any recommendations or information provided in a challenge or across our website, guides or programs does not constitute medical advice.  Please see our full medical disclaimerfor additional verification.

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